Counterfeit is breaking consumer trust, destroying brand image and decreasing revenues. Do not let it kill your market.
Make use of our multi-purpose analytics program paired with our authentication app to acquire complete data on your products and market. Access on-the-go anytime through your phone or computer. Upgrade with Dashboard for real-time tracking.
Can you tell which is the original website?
Protect your brand and consumers from fake websites.
It is common now for frauds to replicate a landing pages which looks exactly the same as the original business site. This makes it difficult for consumers to identify the difference and unknowingly purchase counterfeit products from these fake sites.
With this Anti-phishing feature, our system will track and inform you of any attempts to copy your website.
Get in touch with us to find out more.
+65 6440 0874
116 Changi Road, #03-11,WIS@Changi, Singapore 419718
OPSOLUTIONS is a regional technology firm that guides clients through a journey of digital transformation using a holistic approach. By focusing on foundational aspects, we provide devices, custom solutions, infrastructure, cloud, and cybersecurity to support and improve operational processes. We believe in building a strong community by strengthening brand and consumer interaction. Together, let's build an engaged future.
In partnership with GS1 Singapore as our Marketing Partner.